Social-Emotional Learning for Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: High School Teachers’ Perspectives
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Wong, Michelle
Ratcliffe, Belinda
Griffith University Author(s)
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Social-emotional learning (SEL) is key to student success. Teachers can effectively implement SEL programs to a variety of school populations, with demonstrated improvements in emotional, social, and academic outcomes. Research also suggests that SEL for students on the autism spectrum can result in improved outcomes. Although social-emotional difficulties are core characteristics of autism, there is a dearth of research identifying the SEL needs for high school students on the autism spectrum and how to meet these needs. The aim of this preliminary qualitative study was to explore teachers’ perceptions of SEL needs in a high school setting with adolescents on the autism spectrum. A focus group was conducted with 8 experienced teachers from mainstream and special needs settings. The thematic analysis identified 3 themes: (a) SEL needs of students on the autism spectrum, (b) teaching SEL in high school settings, and (c) gaps in SEL. The study also revealed suggestions for how a SEL program could be developed so that it best meets the needs of the teachers who would be implementing it. Outcomes from this study provide important insights into SEL in adolescents on the autism spectrum in special education and have practical implications for intervention models.
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Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education
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Degree Program
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Specialist studies in education
Special education and disability
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Gardner, A; Wong, M; Ratcliffe, B, Social-Emotional Learning for Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: High School Teachers’ Perspectives, Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education