Validation of the Australian Nursing Standards Assessment Tool (ANSAT): A pilot study

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Ossenberg, Christine
Dalton, Megan
Henderson, Amanda
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Background: Workplace-based learning and assessment are essential elements of all nursing education programs. There is, however, limited evidence of validity and reliability available regarding assessment instruments, based on the professional competency standards for nursing in Australia.

Objective: The aims of this project were to advance the assessment properties of a new instrument, the Australian Nursing Standards Assessment Tool (ANSAT) and investigate the acceptability of this instrument when applied to the evaluation of the professional competence of nursing students in authentic practice settings.

Methods: A validation study of ANSAT was conducted by 23 clinical assessors from two universities, completing 220 instruments for second and third year undergraduate nursing students undertaking clinical placement in an authentic practice setting. ‘Think Aloud’ interviews and a post-test survey provided additional data to determine the validity and acceptability of the ANSAT. The pilot study occurred in parallel with completion of existing university assessment instruments.

Results: Principal components analysis extracted one factor: professional practice competence. Comparison of total instrument scores between year levels demonstrated a significant difference in each of the clinical domains (p = 0.000), suggesting that the instrument is sensitive to differing levels of performance across different year levels. The ANSAT demonstrated high internal consistency with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.976. Post-test evaluation completed by assessors demonstrated high usability and acceptability for use in common practice settings.

Discussion: Results of the pilot study provided preliminary support for the ANSAT instrument. It is recommended that testing of the instrument be undertaken on a larger cohort to ensure the generalisability of the findings to other nursing populations.

Conclusion: There is a need for valid and reliable instruments that assess the performance of nursing in the authentic practice setting. With the addition of supportive behavioural cues, the ANSAT enables clarity, consistency and collaboration in workplace-based assessment.

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Nurse Education Today

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