Impact of a person-centred community rehabilitation service on outcomes for individuals with a neurological condition
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Sealey, Cindy J
Polley, Michelle L
Mervin, Merehau C
Comans, Tracy
Griffith University Author(s)
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Other Supervisors
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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a person-centred, community rehabilitation service on outcomes for people with a neurological condition, in the first year of service.
Method: A prospective, observational, pre-post study was conducted with 206 people who had a neurological condition and attended the rehabilitation service to restore function (e.g., Stroke); maximize recovery in an ongoing situation (e.g., Spina Bifida); or maximize function and independence while preparing for inevitable decline (e.g., Parkinson’s Disease). Outcomes were measured via self-report questionnaires, prior to, and following three months of rehabilitation. The primary outcome was achievement of self-identified goals, measured by the Patient-Specific Functional scale. Secondary outcomes included the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale, EQ-5D-5L European Quality of Life scale, and ICECAP-O – Index of Capability for Older Adults and health and medical resource use.
Results: Participants demonstrated significant goal achievement and a significant reduction in health and medical resource use. There were small positive changes in the Lawton IADL, EQ-5D-5L, and ICECAP-O however these changes were not significant.
Conclusions: In the first year of operation, the community rehabilitation service made a significant impact on outcomes for individuals with a neurological condition. Further research is required to identify appropriate measures of activities of daily living and quality of life that reflect person-centred rehabilitation outcomes for restoring function, maximizing function, or preparing for functional decline.
Implications for Rehabilitation Self-identified goals are an important guide for achievement of meaningful outcomes for individuals with a neurological condition.
Person-centred outcome measures are required to evaluate the benefits of a person-centred community rehabilitation service for individuals with a neurological condition.
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Disability and Rehabilitation
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Biomedical and clinical sciences