Preparing Physiotherapy, Exercise Science and Oral Health students to work in small business enterprises
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Manly, New South Wales
As a result of the rapid growth of the exercise, sport, rehabilitation and fitness industry sectors, the role of business expertise in these areas has been profoundly affected. This paper discusses the development over a seven-year period of a university course which aims to make participants better entrepreneurs, managers or employees by providing them with broad-brush business skills. The course presents a summary of the essentials for small business success. At the completion of the course students are able to: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic business principles; analyse and evaluate information related to the development of a business idea; and design a written business plan for a specific idea relevant to Physiotherapy or Exercise Science. The use of a scaffolding strategy in structured tutorials has proven very effective in motivating and assisting student learning. This process has resulted in students developing business plans that have assisted their professional growth and prepared them for future careers. The course has been so successful that it has been adopted by the School of Dentistry and Oral Health since 2004 so that students meet the requirements for registration and are prepared to commence business as oral health technicians on graduation. As further acknowledgement of the “real-world” value of this course, fifth year dentistry students enrolled in Small Business Practice and Management will participate in the lecture session of the course in 2008.
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World Association of Co-operative Education - Asia Pacific 2008 Conference, provceedings
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Degree Program
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Vocational Education and Training Curriculum and Pedagogy