Significant accrual of soil organic carbon through long-term rice cultivation in paddy fields in China

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Accepted Manuscript (AM)

Yang, Xiaomin
Song, Zhaoliang
Van Zwieten, Lukas
Guo, Laodong
Chen, Ji
Luo, Zhongkui
Wang, Yidong
Luo, Yu
Wang, Zhengang
Wang, Weiqi
Wang, Jingxu
Wang, Yu
Liu, Cong-Qiang
Wang, Hailong
Griffith University Author(s)
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Paddy fields serve as significant reservoirs of soil organic carbon (SOC) and their potential for terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration is closely associated with changes in SOC pools. However, there has been a dearth of comprehensive studies quantifying changes in SOC pools following extended periods of rice cultivation across a broad geographical scale. Using 104 rice paddy sampling sites that have been in continuous cultivation since the 1980s across China, we studied the changes in topsoil (0–20 cm) labile organic C (LOC I), semi-labile organic C (LOC II), recalcitrant organic C (ROC), and total SOC. We found a substantial increase in both the content (48%) and density (39%) of total SOC within China's paddy fields between the 1980s to the 2010s. Intriguingly, the rate of increase in content and density of ROC exceeded that of LOC (I and II). Using a structural equation model, we revealed that changes in the content and density of total SOC were mainly driven by corresponding shifts in ROC, which are influenced both directly and indirectly by climatic and soil physicochemical factors; in particular temperature, precipitation, phosphorous (P) and clay content. We also showed that the δ13CLOC were greater than δ13CROC, independent of the rice cropping region, and that there was a significant positive correlation between δ13CSOC and δ13Cstraw. The δ13CLOC and δ13CSOC showed significantly negative correlation with soil total Si, suggesting that soil Si plays a part in the allocation of C into different SOC pools, and its turnover or stabilization. Our study underscores that the global C sequestration of the paddy fields mainly stems from the substantial increase in ROC pool.

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Global Change Biology

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Persistent link to this record

Yang, X; Song, Z; Van Zwieten, L; Guo, L; Chen, J; Luo, Z; Wang, Y; Luo, Y; Wang, Z; Wang, W; Wang, J; Wang, Y; Liu, C-Q; Wang, H, Significant accrual of soil organic carbon through long-term rice cultivation in paddy fields in China, Global Change Biology, 2024, 30 (3) pp. e17213
