Effectiveness of the use of concept maps and simulated cases as a teaching-learning strategy in enhancing the learning confidence of baccalaureate nursing students: A qualitative approach

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Lin, CC
Han, CY
Huang, YL
Chen, LC
Su, CC
Griffith University Author(s)
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Background: Didactic lectures and exam-oriented learning can lead to students becoming passive learners who rely on rote memory. This learning style negatively impacts their ability to cultivate the core nursing values and critical thinking. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the impact of a concept mapping teaching-learning strategy on undergraduate nursing students' ability to integrate theoretical biosciences knowledge into care practice and on their skills in critical thinking and teamwork. Methods: A qualitative research design was adopted. A course entitled Evaluation and Analysis of Adult Nursing Cases was developed based on a concept mapping strategy involving 24 simulated cases relevant to medical and surgical nursing. The participants were students from the two-year undergraduate nursing programme at a university in Taiwan. Data were collected from September 2020 to February 2021. Qualitative data were collected from semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 20 students and from 100 reflective reports on students' learning journeys. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Two major themes were identified: (1) changes in learning style and thinking and (2) rewards from learning. The participants reported that their learning style had changed from reliance on rote learning to image memory, and their thinking process from linear (cause-effect) to multifaceted thinking at different levels. The teaching and learning strategies contributed to feelings of ability advancement and psychological safety, which led to learning achievement and confidence. Conclusion: The use of a concept mapping strategy and simulated cases enhanced students' learning by enabling them to integrate theoretical knowledge and improve their thinking abilities. The teaching and learning strategies helped participants in learning about psychological safety and increased their learning confidence.

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Nurse Education Today

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Curriculum and pedagogy


Active learning

Concept learning

Critical thinking

Didactic lecture

Nursing students

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Lin, CC; Han, CY; Huang, YL; Chen, LC; Su, CC, Effectiveness of the use of concept maps and simulated cases as a teaching-learning strategy in enhancing the learning confidence of baccalaureate nursing students: A qualitative approach, Nurse Education Today, 2022, 115, pp. 105418
