Artificial intelligence vs. semi-automated segmentation for assessment of dental periapical lesion volume index score: A cone-beam CT study
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Cameron, Andrew
Manakil, Jane
Georg, Roy
Griffith University Author(s)
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Introduction Cone beam computed tomography periapical volume index (CBCTPAVI) is a categorisation tool to assess periapical lesion size in three-dimensions and predict treatment outcomes. This index was determined using a time-consuming semi-automatic segmentation technique. This study compared artificial intelligence (AI) with semi-automated segmentation to determine AI’s ability to accurately determine CBCTPAVI score.
Methods CBCTPAVI scores for 500 tooth roots were determined using both the semi-automatic segmentation technique in three-dimensional imaging analysis software (Mimics Research™) and AI (Diagnocat™). A confusion matrix was created to compare the CBCTPAVI score by the AI with the semi-automatic segmentation technique. Evaluation metrics, precision, recall, F1-score ( ), and overall accuracy were determined.
Results In 84.4% (n=422) of cases the AI classified CBCTPAVI score the same as the semi-automated technique. AI was unable to classify any lesion as index 1 or 2, due to its limitation in small volume measurement. When lesions classified as index 1 and 2 by the semi-automatic segmentation technique were excluded, the AI demonstrated levels of precision, recall and F1-score, all above 0.85, for indices 0, 3 – 6; and accuracy over 90%.
Conclusions Diagnocat™ with its ability to determine CBCTPAVI score in approximately two minutes following upload of the CBCT could be an excellent and efficient tool to facilitate better monitoring and assessment of periapical lesions in everyday clinical practice and/or radiographic reporting. However, to assess three-dimensional healing of smaller lesions (with scores 1 and 2), further advancements in AI technologies are needed.
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Computers in Biology and Medicine
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© 2024. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
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This publication has been entered in Griffith Research Online as an advance online version.
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Medical biotechnology
Artificial intelligence
Bioinformatics and computational biology
Health services and systems
Applied computing
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Boubaris, M; Cameron, A; Manakil, J; Georg, R, Artificial intelligence vs. semi-automated segmentation for assessment of dental periapical lesion volume index score: A cone-beam CT study, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024, pp. 108527