Use of a single intramuscular injection of a synthetic hormone analogue, ovupin for commercial carp seed production in Bangladesh
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Provhat, Sharmin Jaman
Arif Hossain, Md.
Griffith University Author(s)
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A study was conducted to investigate the possibility of employing a single intramuscular injection of a synthetic hormone analogue, ovupin on the induced breeding of two major carps, viz. rohu (Labeo rohita), mrigala (Cirrhinus mrigala) and an endangered minor carp, bata (Labeo bata). Three breeding trials of each species were performed. In case of major carp, the females were injected with single dose of ovupin solution at a rate of 0.5 mL kg-1 body weight, while the minor carp received ovupin solution at a dose of 0.3 mL kg-1 body weight, whereas males received extracted PG hormone at a dose of 2 and 1.5 mg kg-1 body weight for major carps and minor carp, respectively. All the three species were successfully bred using ovupin through a single injection. In case of major carps, the latent period was 9-10 h while 12-14 h for minor carp. The breeding response of females was 100% in major carps, whereas it was approximately 90% in minor carp. Fertilization rate varied between 87.07 and 89.94% for the major carps and between 87.6 and 89.9% for minor carps. Major carps showed higher hatching rates (77.21 to 80.19%) than minor carp (64.9 to 66.56%). The present study indicated that ovupin could be effective as alternative of PG in carp’s breeding in Bangladesh.
Suatu penyelidikan telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kemungkinan menggunakan suntikan intraotot tunggal hormon sintetik analog, ovupin pada pembiakbakaan aruhan dua jenis kap utama, viz. rohu (Labeo rohita) dan mrigala (Cirrhinus mrigala) serta kap kecil terancam, bata (bata Labeo). Tiga ujian pembiakan untuk setiap spesies telah dijalankan. Dalam kes kap utama, ikan betina telah disuntik dengan dos tunggal larutan ovupin pada kadar 0.5 mL kg-1 berat badan, manakala kap kecil menerima larutan ovupin pada dos 0.3 mL kg berat badan-1. Ikan jantan pula menerima ekstrak hormon PG pada dos 2 dan 1.5 kg mg-1 berat badan masing-masing untuk kap utama dan kap kecil. Kesemua tiga spesies telah berjaya dibiakkan menggunakan suntikan tunggal ovupin. Dalam kes kap utama, tempoh pendam adalah 9-10 jam manakala 12-14 jam untuk kap kecil. Tindak balas pembiakan ikan betina adalah 100% untuk kap utama dan kira-kira 90% untuk kap kecil. Kadar persenyawaan berbeza antara 87.07 ke 89.94% bagi kap utama dan antara 87.6 dan 89.9% bagi kap kecil. Kap utama menunjukkan kadar penetasan yang lebih tinggi (77.21-80.19%) daripada kap kecil (64.9 kepada 66.56%). Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ovupin mampu menjadi alternatif kepada PG dalam pembiakan kap di Bangladesh.
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Sains Malaysiana
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Fisheries Sciences not elsewhere classified
Applied Mathematics
Environmental Science and Management
Other Biological Sciences