Fibrinogen, Coagulation, and Ageing
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Fung, Yoke Lin
Singh, Indu
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Harris, J Robin
Korolchuk, Viktor I
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The World Health Organization estimates that the world's population over 60 years of age will nearly double in the next 30 years. This change imposes increasing demands on health and social services with increased disease burden in older people, hereafter defined as people aged 60 years or more. An older population will have a greater incidence of cardiovascular disease partly due to higher levels of blood fibrinogen, increased levels of some coagulation factors, and increased platelet activity. These factors lead to a hypercoagulable state which can alter haemostasis, causing an imbalance in appropriate coagulation, which plays a crucial role in the development of cardiovascular diseases. These changes in haemostasis are not only affected by age but also by gender and the effects of hormones, or lack thereof in menopause for older females, ethnicity, other comorbidities, medication interactions, and overall health as we age. Another confounding factor is how we measure fibrinogen and coagulation through laboratory and point-of-care testing and how our decision-making on disease and treatment (including anticoagulation) is managed. It is known throughout life that in normal healthy individuals the levels of fibrinogen and coagulation factors change, however, reference intervals to guide diagnosis and management are based on only two life stages, paediatric, and adult ranges. There are no specific diagnostic guidelines based on reference intervals for an older population. How ageing relates to alterations in haemostasis and the impact of the disease will be discussed in this chapter. Along with the effect of anticoagulation, laboratory testing of fibrinogen and coagulation, future directions, and implications will be presented.
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Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part III Biomedical Science
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Public health
Analytical biochemistry
Biochemistry and cell biology
Laboratory monitoring
Older age
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Donkin, R; Fung, YL; Singh, I, Fibrinogen, Coagulation, and Ageing, Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part III Biomedical Science, 2023, 102, pp. 313-342