The Global Rock-Art Database: Centralizing Heritage Data Collections using a Collaborative, Information Structure and Data Visualization Approach in an Open Source Application
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Primary Supervisor
Tacon, Paul
Other Supervisors
Nelson, Walter
File type(s)
The Rock-Art Database (RADB) is a non-for profit online project at PERAHU, Griffith University in Australia. It seeks to improve theory and practice in the digital curation of rock-art data through building a centralized global rock-art heritage hub. Through the use of new technologies the database explores new ways to look at rock-art information and explores the potential within its digital curation. The system can be accessed on the World Wide Web at Australia alone features over 100,000 rock art sites, important heritage places for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and a testament to over 10,000 years of human activity, including interactions with other peoples and the environment. Many of these sites have not been documented or recorded and are threatened by natural and cultural agents. It is becoming increasingly important to develop conservation models for the protection and preservation of sites. Indigenous cultural heritage in particular is difficult to manage on a local government level due to complex human / time / environment relationships and the importance of intangible cultural heritage. Currently no centralized Australian or global database system exists to curate, present and promote rock-art. This project aims to fill this gap by exploring the potential of collaborative approaches, information structure and visualization of semantic and rich- media formats using Australian rock-art heritage as examples for a centralized global platform.
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Thesis Type
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Degree Program
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science
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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.
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Related item(s)
Rock-Art Database (RADB)
Rock art curation
Rock art sites, Australia