Individual muscle contributions to tibiofemoral compressive articular loading during walking, running and sidestepping
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Saxby, DJ
Fortin, K
Gardiner, BS
Wrigley, TV
Bryant, AL
Lloyd, DG
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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The tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) experiences large compressive articular contact loads during activities of daily living, caused by inertial, ligamentous, capsular, and most significantly musculotendon loads. Comparisons of relative contributions of individual muscles to TFJ contact loading between walking and sporting movements have not been previously examined. The purpose of this study was to determine relative contributions of individual lower-limb muscles to compressive articular loading of the medial and lateral TFJ during walking, running, and sidestepping. The medial and lateral compartments of the TFJ were loaded by a combination of medial and lateral muscles. During all gait tasks, the primary muscles loading the medial and lateral TFJ were the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) respectively during weight acceptance, while typically the medial gastrocnemii (MG) and lateral gastrocnemii (LG) dominated medial and lateral TFJ loading respectively during midstance and push off. Generally, the contribution of the quadriceps muscles were higher in running compared to walking, whereas gastrocnemii contributions were higher in walking compared to running. When comparing running and sidestepping, contributions to medial TFJ contact loading were generally higher during sidestepping while contributions to lateral TFJ contact loading were generally lower. These results suggests that after orthopaedic procedures, the VM, VL, MG and LG should be of particular rehabilitation focus to restore TFJ stability during dynamic gait tasks.
Journal Title
Journal of Biomechanics
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Biomedical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Sports science and exercise