Music – the missing link in child development?
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In an integrated classroom, it is typical to encounter children with a variety of developmental disorders, delays, behaviour problems, physical disabilities, emotional problems, and emotio-social problems, alongside gifted and developmentally normal children. How can we improve our understanding of our pupils’ individual needs, interests and diverse learning styles? Taken at face value, the issues seem overwhelming. What needs to be considered is that each student is an individual with the same core needs: they need to feel that they belong, that they are trusted, that they are capable, and responsible. This helps children develop resilience, the ability to deal positively with what life throws at them. High stakes testing has seen an increased homogenisation and narrowing of curriculum content with an increased focus on literacy and numeracy. This has also seen the marginalisation of The Arts, including music. This paper discusses the important role that music education plays in child development by helping children transcend disadvantage and disability. Active engagement in well-structured music lessons provides a unique learning environment which affords multiple opportunities for each child to connect with their teacher and peers at their own level in meaningful ways in every lesson. This provides a strong emotional connection and sense of community and understanding that reinforces the value of self and others. By exploring and examining the experiences of children, their parents, and members of school communities, I aim to investigate the transformative nature of active participation in music lessons. To what extent does active participation in music lessons help children develop resilience, and what is the impact of this on their schooling, their relationships with their peers, their families, and their overall development?
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IKS 2013
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