Using Data Collection to Better Understand Students in Early Primary Physical Education
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Williams, Ben
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
McLachlan, Claire
McLachlan, Tara
Cherrington, Sue
Aspden, Karyn
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In physical education (PE), there has been a growing call for teachers to implement student-centred pedagogies. The use of these approaches allows a teacher to listen and respond to the needs and interests of a diverse student population in a localized context. To effectively deliver a student-centred approach in early primary PE, a teacher must develop a nuanced understanding of all their students. However, primary teachers have been observed to deliver a more traditional sport-based version of PE, which fails to address the needs and interests of all students in the class. This chapter presents insights gained from a research project focused on the embodied interactions of a cohort of year one and two children (in PE and on the playground) through the use of multiple tools of data collection. The use of a variety of methods, namely participation observation, video recording, map drawing and photo elicitation, provided a wealth of interesting data. These data provided unique insights into the needs and interests of the children, within and beyond the school. By utilizing a similar multi-method approach, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of the needs and interests of their students, which we argue will help with the planning and implementation of student-centred approaches in PE.
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Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus
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Degree Program
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Physical education and development curriculum and pedagogy
Primary education
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Van der Smee, C; Williams, B, Using Data Collection to Better Understand Students in Early Primary Physical Education, Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus, 2023, pp. 177-200