Adoption of integrated reporting in Sri Lanka: coverage and trend

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Cooray, T
Senaratne, S
Gunarathne, N
Herath, R
Samudrage, DN
Griffith University Author(s)
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Purpose: This paper aims to examine the coverage of and trends in reporting content elements in the integrated reports of the Sri Lankan companies following the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRF). Design/methodology/approach: Based on a comprehensive checklist developed on the content elements of the IIRF, 171 corporate integrated reports were content-analyzed over a period of three years. The results were theorized subsequently using the legitimacy theory. Findings: The study identifies that the extent of and trend in the coverage of content elements of the IIRF have increased during the period under consideration despite some under-addressed areas. It indicates that Sri Lankan companies are making progress in the preparation of integrated reports in line with the IIRF, which provides evidence in support of both strategic and institutional perspectives of the legitimacy theory because of the proactive actions taken by managers to acquire legitimacy along with the other normative and mimetic pressures available in the IR landscape. Originality/value: This is one of the first studies that evaluate the compliance of IR adopters with the IIRF overtime in the entirety of a single country. It also develops a comprehensive index to capture the disclosure requirements of IR and extends the analysis to a voluntary context using both strategic and institutional perspectives of the legitimacy theory.

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Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

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Accounting, auditing and accountability

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Cooray, T; Senaratne, S; Gunarathne, N; Herath, R; Samudrage, DN, Adoption of integrated reporting in Sri Lanka: coverage and trend, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 2021
