Dietetics students' construction of competence through assessment and placement experiences
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Dart, Janeane
Begley, Andrea
Beck, Eleanor J
Bacon, Rachel
Tweedie, Judith
Mitchell, Lana
Maher, Judith
Gallegos, Danielle
Kennedy, Meredith
Kellett, Jane
Margerison, Claire
Crawford, Ruth
Stuart-Smith, Wendy
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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Aim: Competency standards are widely adopted as a framework to describe standards of performance required inthe workplace. Little is known, however, about how students construct competence. This qualitative study aimed toexplore how dietetics students ready to graduate construct the concept of competence and the role of assessment indeveloping professional competence.Methods: A qualitative description was used to gather data from a convenience sample of students ready to gradu-ate from universities with accredited dietetics programs across Australia (10 out of 15 at the time of the study).A total of 11 focus groups were conducted to explore perspectives of competence and experiences of ‘competency-based’ assessment. Data were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed using a thematic analysis approach.Results: A total of 81 (n = 81) participants across 10 universities representing 22% of total students participated inthe focus groups. Themes revealed that: (i) there is no shared understanding of competence; (ii) current work place-ment experiences may not reflect current standards or workforce needs; (iii) assessment approaches may not fullysupport the development of competence; and (iv) the competent performance of supervising dietitians/clinical edu-cators in the workplace influences the construction of competence.Conclusions: There is a need to work towards a shared understanding of dietetic entry-level competence in the pro-fession. ‘Work-based’ learning experiences may need to be modified to ensure students meet current competencystandards. Practitioners involved in student supervisionneed to acknowledge the influential role they have inthe development of the future workforce.
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Nutrition & Dietetics
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Degree Program
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Rights Statement
© 2017 Dietitians Association of Australia. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dietetics students’ construction of competence through assessment and placement experiences, Nutrition & Dietetics, 2017, which has been published in final form at 10.1111/1747-0080.12359. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (
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This publication has been entered into Griffith Research Online as an Advanced Online Version.
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Nutrition and dietetics