The Mouths of Estuaries Are Key Transition Zones that Concentrate the Ecological Effects of Predators
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Henderson, CJ
Olds, AD
Connolly, RM
Schlacher, TA
Hourigan, BJ
Goodridge Gaines, LA
Gilby, BL
Griffith University Author(s)
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Whether and how landscape context and habitat traits combine to shape animal assemblages and the rate and distribution of ecological functions remains unresolved in many aquatic settings. Saltmarshes are one such ecosystem in which these considerations are frequently acknowledged as important, but quantitative studies of these effects are rare, especially for ecological functions. In this study, the influence of landscape configuration and habitat traits on the composition of fish assemblages and rates of predation were quantified around 30 saltmarshes in three estuaries (i.e., 10 per estuary) in eastern Australia. Fish assemblages were surveyed using unbaited underwater video cameras, and predation was quantified using videoed “Squidpop” predation assays at 10 sites at each saltmarsh. The structure of fish assemblages was best explained by the estuary in which saltmarsh was located, the proximity of sites to estuary mouth, and the area of nearby saltmarsh and mangroves. Predation was dominated (90% of total predation events) by yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis (Sparidae), and so rates of predation correlated positively with yellowfin bream abundance. Predation peaked in the lower reaches of estuaries at saltmarshes with lower vegetation cover. These findings suggest that the mouths of estuaries might function as key transition zones that concentrate prey, the products of trophic relay, and the ecological effects of predators near the estuarine-sea interface.
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Estuaries and Coasts
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Jones, TR; Henderson, CJ; Olds, AD; Connolly, RM; Schlacher, TA; Hourigan, BJ; Goodridge Gaines, LA; Gilby, BL, The Mouths of Estuaries Are Key Transition Zones that Concentrate the Ecological Effects of Predators, Estuaries and Coasts, 2020