Identifying and mitigating risks to completion of small grant climate change adaptation projects: evidence from the Pacific
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Fleming, Christopher M
Smart, James CR
Buckwell, Andrew J
Folkersen, Maja Vinde
Mackey, Brendan
Griffith University Author(s)
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Over recent decades, substantial funding from a variety of sources has been directed towards climate change adaptation projects in Pacific Island countries. There remains, however, considerable uncertainty about which factors influence adaptation project completion, as a pre-cursor to effective adaptation. In this study, we empirically establish the links between project attributes (duration, funding, cash co-financing, in-kind contributions, location, and adaptation approach) and whether a project is likely to complete or be terminated. We examine this issue by developing a logistic regression model to predict the probability of completion for small-scale climate change adaptation projects using a new dataset of 190 projects in the South Pacific (with end dates ranging from November 1995 to May 2016) that were financed through the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme. Empirical results suggest that all else equal, such a project was more likely to complete if it was shorter, received more co-financing cash input and in-kind support from other donors and project partners, was explicitly targeted towards climate change adaptation, focused on a single adaptation approach, and was undertaken in Micronesia or Fiji. Our results can be used to help funders and project proponents design projects to mitigate the risks of non-completion, particularly in high-risk settings. These findings should not be misinterpreted to undermine the importance of continued investment in adaptation projects across the whole of South Pacific region.
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Regional Environmental Change
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Human impacts of climate change and human adaptation
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Hasan, S; Fleming, CM; Smart, JCR; Buckwell, AJ; Folkersen, MV; Mackey, B, Identifying and mitigating risks to completion of small grant climate change adaptation projects: evidence from the Pacific, Regional Environmental Change, 2021, 21 (2), pp. 55