Becoming a midwife : a case study of a women-centred midwifery curriculum

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Primary Supervisor

Margaret, Dunlop

Other Supervisors

Judith, Davis

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Midwifery education is in transition in Australia. Courses are being implemented in the university sector at a time when there is increasing debate and concern over the provision of maternity services. The idea of women-centred midwifery practice is developing as a guiding philosophy for midwifery, in order to focus the activities of midwifery practice on the needs of the childbearing woman. In response to these issues in midwifery, the Graduate Diploma Of Midwifery (Griffith University) was developed and implemented with an underpinning philosophy of women-centred practice and a commitment to teaching and learning approaches which emphasised self-direction, reflection and the idea of praxis. This research project has sought to under students' experiences of learning midwifery. In doing so, particulars of the curriculum are evaluated. The research approach draws on a feminist theoretical underpinning and uses processes and approaches congruent with qualitative evaluation. The findings of this research are expressed in terms of students' experience of learning midwifery in this program but reflect broader concerns of the profession. These broader concerns include the potential of the relationship between woman and midwife and the issues of power in the progression. These issues have an impact on students' impressions of midwifery and their ability to interact with the midwifery community in the process of learning. The findings in relation to what helps students learn midwifery point to a different perception of clinical learning and have significance for developments of relationships between university and clinical agencies. The findings of the study will contribute to midwifery knowledge as new insights, particularly in relation to the midwifery relationship and professional issues, are drawn. In considering the students experiences, professional concerns and the identified needs of childbearing woman, a theoretical framework for midwifery education is proposed. This theoretical framework has significance for the profession as it is applicable at the level of curriculum development, course planning or development of learning activities, and importantly, it contributes to knowledge in area of midwifery as a beginning theory of midwifery education.

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Thesis (PhD Doctorate)

Degree Program

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Health and Behavioural Sc.

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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.

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Childbearing woman

Midwifery profession

Clinical learning

Midwifery education

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