Corrigendum to “Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective” [Sci. Total Environ. 651 (2019) 3202–3221]
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Bertanza, G
Brnardić, I
Cetecioglu, Z
Dries, J
Dvarionienė, J
García-Fernández, AJ
Langenhoff, A
Libralato, G
Lofrano, G
Škrbić, B
Martínez-López, E
Meriç, S
Mutavdžić Pavlović, D
Papa, M
Schröder, P
Tsagarakis, KP
Vogelsang, C
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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The authors regret that, despite thoroughly reviewing the manuscript, the content of a paragraph has been duplicated and has to be ignored <For the aerobic acute tests; laboratory-scale fill-and-draw reactors with hydraulic retention time of one day were established and sustained at sludge ages of 10 and 2 days at steady state under aerobic conditions and a series of fully aerated batch reactors for kinetic investigations of peptone-meat extract mixture biodegradation and acute/chronic inhibition of the selected antibiotics (Pala-Ozkok, 2012). Fill and-draw reactors were fed with peptone-meat extract mixture at concentrations characterizing domestic wastewaters. To determine the acute and chronic inhibition effects of the selected antibiotics, batch experiments were conducted with 50 mg/L antibiotic additions. Respirometric tests were performed to determine the effect of antibiotics on unacclimated (acute effect) and acclimated (chronic) biomass, which yielded oxygen uptake rate (OUR) profiles. Obtained OUR profiles were used for simulation to determine the kinetic properties of each activated sludge biomass. The inhibitory impact of selected antibiotics was observed as a decrease in the amount of oxygen consumed in the OUR tests, which led to the conclusion that antibiotics have the property to block the microbial substrate consumption (Ozkok et al., 2011). The kinetic evaluation revealed that antibiotic substances mainly increase endogenous decay levels, the half-saturation constant of the substrate and inhibit hydrolysis of different COD fractions (Pala-Ozkok, 2012).>.
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Science of the Total Environment
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Environmental sciences
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Pedrazzani, R; Bertanza, G; Brnardić, I; Cetecioglu, Z; Dries, J; Dvarionienė, J; García-Fernández, AJ; Langenhoff, A; Libralato, G; Lofrano, G; Škrbić, B; Martínez-López, E; Meriç, S; Mutavdžić Pavlović, D; Papa, M; Schröder, P; Tsagarakis, KP; Vogelsang, C, Corrigendum to “Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective” [Sci. Total Environ. 651 (2019) 3202–3221], Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 669