Coordination on ethical values: yes or no?

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Mimi Zajc
Griffith University Author(s)
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In today's changeable world ethical values are also changing. Values are mostly formed by the media, which stresses material values instead of ethical values. Ethical values and conduct are not recognisable and even not desirable. States in transition from totalitarian regime to democracy had to revise social values. The fact is that free elections do not indicate the enforcement of the democratic political system. Therefore, it is very important to establish independent institutions to care about the development, promotion and safeguarding of ethical behaviour in public sector. This paper is based on research "Ethics in Public Sector in Republic of Slovenia". It presents the point of view of public institutions, employees in public sector, and citizens, in regard to organising the coordinating bodies which will have responsibility in the field of ethics in public sector. It responds to the questions about the necessity of coordination in the field of ethics in public sector, about the way of organising the proper body and its competence, and to whom such bodies should be responsible and which tasks they should be engaged in. The article also deals with comparisons between Anti-corruption Law and the proposition of new laws about conflicts of interest which hinders the Commission from preventing corruption. In conclusion, the paper establishes that the view of public institutions is different to the view of employees in public sector and citizens in regard to establishing the coordinating bodies which would support ethical conduct in public sector. Obviously, citizens do expect ethical conduct in public sector, but there is the problem of political will or commitment, without which the establishment of coordinating body will not take place. In the future, detailed research is required. This study should show the necessity of establishing such institutions in the Slovenian public sector. It should also reveal the meaning of promotion and development of ethical conduct in public sector for the better organisational and cultural climate in public sector, as well as in private sector.

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GovNet eJournal

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GovNet eJournal was published between 2007 and 2008. An archived version of the original journal website is available via PANDORA -

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