Writing to be Heard: The Indigenous Print Media's Role in Establishing and Developing an Indigenous Public Sphere

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Primary Supervisor

Forde, Susan

Other Supervisors

Meadows, Michael

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Indigenous Australians make up only 2.5 percent of the Australian population and have historically had limited opportunity to influence public debate or policy. This has led to many Indigenous people feeling democratically disconnected from the broader Australian society. Despite this, since 1938 more than 35 publications have been produced by Indigenous Australians and those with an interest in Indigenous affairs, yet very little research has been carried out to establish how and why these newspapers were produced or what they achieved. Similarly, little is known about the role Indigenous print media in establishing and developing an Indigenous public sphere. This thesis seeks to bridge these gaps. The thesis investigates the nature of an Indigenous public sphere in Australia, and aims to provide both an historic and journalistic understanding of how and why these newspapers existed with an insight into the people who produced the newspapers, the problems they faced and the journalistic techniques that they employed to achieve their very diverse aims. A three-phase research approach was undertaken. A series of semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with Indigenous print media producers and contributors. A general textual analysis was then undertaken of a wide range of Indigenous publications accessed through Australian libraries and universities. Finally, available archival materials relating to the organisations and individuals involved in the production of Indigenous publications were analysed. The data gathered was then evaluated using the qualitative analytical software program, Nvivo. The study reveals Indigenous public spheres have always existed and since 1938 Indigenous print media have played a significant role in their development. This study suggests the broader Indigenous public sphere consists of a series of overlapping spheres that are themselves made up of layers. The tiered construction of Indigenous public spheres limits the access individuals may have to public sphere processes and therefore influences engagement with Indigenous public spheres. Another key conclusion drawn by this investigation is that Indigenous public sphere processes are not static and have transitioned through different stages since 1938. This transition has occurred in response to stimuli from both within and outside the Indigenous community.

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Thesis (PhD Doctorate)

Degree Program

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Shool of Humanities

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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.

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Indigenous print media

Aboriginal Australians public opinion

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