Left Hemispheric Lateral Preference and High Neuroticism Predict Disinhibition in two Go/No-Go Experiments
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Jackson, Chris J
Loxton, Natalie J
Griffith University Author(s)
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Other Supervisors
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Objective: Although disinhibition is widely implicated in impulse-control related psychopathologies, debate remains regarding the underlying approach and avoidance processes of this construct. In two studies, we simultaneously tested three competing models in which varying levels of extraversion, neuroticism and hemispheric lateral preference are associated with disinhibition. Method: In both studies (Study 1, N = 92; Study 2, N = 124), participants were randomly allocated to one of two versions of the Go/No Go task: one where participants were primed through reward to make more 'go' responses and another where no such priming occurred. Neuroticism, extraversion and hemispheric lateral preference measures were also collected. Results: Across both studies, disinhibition was greatest in individuals who reported both a left hemispheric lateral preference and high neuroticism. This pattern was only found for those who were primed through reward to make more 'go' responses. There was no association with extraversion. Conclusions: Contrary to previous research, our results suggest that left hemispheric asymmetry and neuroticism and not extraversion drives disinhibited approach, following the establishment of a pre-potent approach response set. This has salient implications for the theoretical understanding of disinhibited behavior as well as for the study of continued maladaptive approach behavior.
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Journal of Personality
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Rights Statement
© 2013 Blackwell Publishing. This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Left Hemispheric Lateral Preference and High Neuroticism Predict Disinhibition in two Go/No-Go Experiments, Journal of Personality, Vol. 83 (1), 2015, pp. 84–96, which has been published in final form at dx.doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12084.
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Cognitive and computational psychology
Applied and developmental psychology
Social and personality psychology