Climate Change Impacts on the Marine Cycling of Biogenic Sulfur: A Review

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Jackson, R
Gabric, A
Griffith University Author(s)
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A key component of the marine sulfur cycle is the climate-active gas dimethylsulfide (DMS), which is synthesized by a range of organisms from phytoplankton to corals, and accounts for up to 80% of global biogenic sulfur emissions. The DMS cycle starts with the intracellular synthesis of the non-gaseous precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which is released to the water column by various food web processes such as zooplankton grazing. This dissolved DMSP pool is rapidly turned over by microbially mediated conversion using two known pathways: demethylation (releasing methanethiol) and cleavage (producing DMS). Some of the formed DMS is ventilated to the atmosphere, where it undergoes rapid oxidation and contributes to the formation of sulfate aerosols, with the potential to affect cloud microphysics, and thus the regional climate. The marine phase cycling of DMS is complex, however, as heterotrophs also contribute to the consumption of the newly formed dissolved DMS. Interestingly, due to microbial consumption and other water column sinks such as photolysis, the amount of DMS that enters the atmosphere is currently thought to be a relatively minor fraction of the total amount cycled through the marine food web—less than 10%. These microbial processes are mediated by water column temperature, but the response of marine microbial assemblages to ocean warming is poorly characterized, although bacterial degradation appears to increase with an increase in temperature. This review will focus on the potential impact of climate change on the key microbially mediated processes in the marine cycling of DMS. It is likely that the impact will vary across different biogeographical regions from polar to tropical. For example, in the rapidly warming polar oceans, microbial communities associated with the DMS cycle will likely change dramatically during the 21st century with the decline in sea ice. At lower latitudes, where corals form an important source of DMS (P), shifts in the microbiome composition have been observed during thermal stress with the potential to alter the DMS cycle.

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Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology)

Biological oceanography


Persistent link to this record

Jackson, R; Gabric, A, Climate Change Impacts on the Marine Cycling of Biogenic Sulfur: A Review, Microorganisms, 2022, 10 (8), pp. 1581-1581
